
Found: 2437

A square of side 15 contains 20 non-overlapping unit squares. Prove that it is possible to place a circle of radius 1 inside the large square, so that it does not overlap with any of the unit squares.

a) A square of area 6 contains three polygons, each of area 3. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than 1.

b) A square of area 5 contains nine polygons of area 1. Prove that among them there are two polygons that have an overlap of area no less than \(\frac{1}{9}\).

Cut an arbitrary triangle into 3 parts and out of these pieces construct a rectangle.

Suppose that \(n \geq 3\). Are there n points that do not lie on one line, whose pairwise distances are irrational, and the areas of all of the triangles with vertices in them are rational?

Do there exist three points \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) on the plane such that for any point \(X\) the length of at least one of the segments \(XA\), \(XB\) and \(XC\) is irrational?

How many distinct seven-digit numbers exist? It is assumed that the first digit cannot be zero.