
Found: 2449

Solve the rebus \(AC \times CC \times K = 2002\) (different letters correspond to different integers and vice versa).

Can the equality \(K \times O \times T\) = \(U \times W \times E \times H \times S \times L\) be true if instead of the letters in it we substitute integers from 1 to 9 (different letters correspond to different numbers)?

Rebus. Solve the numerical rebus \(AAAA-BBB + SS-K = 1234\) (different letters correspond to different numbers, but the same letters each time correspond to the same numbers)

Multiplication of numbers. Restore the following example of the multiplication of natural numbers if it is known that the sum of the digits of both factors is the same.


What is the maximum number of kings, that cannot capture each other, which can be placed on a chessboard of size \(8 \times 8\) cells?

Prove that the number of all arrangements of the largest possible amount of peaceful bishops (figures that move on diagonals and don’t threaten each other) on the \(8\times 8\) chessboard is an exact square.

Petya and Misha play such a game. Petya takes in each hand a coin: one – 10 pence, and the other – 15. After that, the contents of the left hand are multiplied by 4, 10, 12 or 26, and the contents of the right hand – by 7, 13, 21 or 35. Then Petya adds the two results and tells Misha the result. Can Misha, knowing this result, determine which hand – the right or left – contains the 10 pence coin?

Giuseppe has a sheet of plywood, measuring \(22 \times 15\). Giuseppe wants to cut out as many rectangular blocks of size \(3 \times 5\) as possible. How should he do it?

a) An apple is heavier than a banana, and a banana is heavier than a kiwi. What’s heavier – a kiwi or an apple?

b) A mandarin is lighter than a pear, and an orange is heavier than a mandarin. What is heavier – a pear or an orange?