
Found: 2451

In January of a certain year there were four Fridays and four Mondays. Which day of the week was the 20th of January in that year?

A rectangle of size \(199\times991\) is drawn on squared paper. How many squares intersect the diagonal of the rectangle?

Imogen’s cat always sneezes before it rains. Today the cat sneezed. “So, it will rain” thinks Imogen. Is she right?

Three tortoises crawl along the road in a line. “Two tortoises are crawling behind me,” says the first. “One tortoise is crawling behind me, and one tortoise is crawling in front of me,” says the second. “Two tortoises are crawling in front of me, and one tortoise is crawling behind me,” says the third. How can this be?

Three wise men ride on a train. Suddenly the train drives into a tunnel, and after the lights come on, each of the men sees that the faces of his colleagues are stained with soot that has flown through the car window. All three begin to laugh at their stained companions, but suddenly the most intelligent man guesses that his face is also stained. How did he do it?

The intelligence agency of the Galactic Empire intercepted the following coded message from the enemy planet Medusa: \(ABCDE+BADC=ACDED\).

It is known that different numbers are represented by different letters, and that the same numbers are represented by the same letters. Two robots attempted to decode this message and each one got a different answer. Is this possible, or should one of the robots be melted down as scrap metal?

Suppose you have 127 1p coins. How can you distribute them among 7 coin pouches such that you can give out any amount from 1p to 127p without opening the coin pouches?

Is it possible to arrange 6 long round pencils so that each of them touches all the other ones?

With the help of scissors, cut a hole in a notebook through which an elephant could climb!