
Found: 578

The nonzero numbers \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) are such that every two of the three equations \(ax^{11} + bx^4 + c = 0\), \(bx^{11} + cx^4 + a = 0\), \(cx^{11} + ax^4 + b = 0\) have a common root. Prove that all three equations have a common root.

2011 numbers are written on a blackboard. It turns out that the sum of any of these written numbers is also one of the written numbers. What is the minimum number of zeroes within this set of 2011 numbers?

Does there exist a real number \({\alpha}\) such that the number \(\cos {\alpha}\) is irrational, and all the numbers \(\cos 2{\alpha}\), \(\cos 3{\alpha}\), \(\cos 4{\alpha}\), \(\cos 5{\alpha}\) are rational?

The teacher wrote on the board in alphabetical order all possible \(2^n\) words consisting of \(n\) letters A or B. Then he replaced each word with a product of \(n\) factors, correcting each letter A by \(x\), and each letter B by \((1 - x)\), and added several of the first of these polynomials in \(x\). Prove that the resulting polynomial is either a constant or increasing function in \(x\) on the interval \([0, 1]\).

We are given a polynomial \(P(x)\) and numbers \(a_1\), \(a_2\), \(a_3\), \(b_1\), \(b_2\), \(b_3\) such that \(a_1a_2a_3 \ne 0\). It turned out that \(P (a_1x + b_1) + P (a_2x + b_2) = P (a_3x + b_3)\) for any real \(x\). Prove that \(P (x)\) has at least one real root.

There is a group of 5 people: Alex, Beatrice, Victor, Gregory and Deborah. Each of them has one of the following codenames: V, W, X, Y, Z. We know that:

Alex is 1 year older than V,

Beatrice is 2 years older than W,

Victor is 3 years older than X,

Gregory is 4 years older than Y.

Who is older and by how much: Deborah or Z?

When cleaning her children’s room, a mother found \(9\) socks. In a group of any \(4\) of the socks at least two belonged to the same child. In a group of any \(5\) of the socks no more than \(3\) had the same owner. How many children are there in the room and how many socks belong to each child?

A bag contains balls of two different colours – black and white. What is the minimum number of balls you need to remove, without looking, to guarantee that within the removed balls at least two are the same colour.