
Found: 578

All integers from 1 to \(2n\) are written in a row. Then, to each number, the number of its place in the row is added, that is, to the first number 1 is added, to the second – 2, and so on.

Prove that among the sums obtained there are at least two that give the same remainder when divided by \(2n\).

In draughts, the king attacks by jumping over another draughts-piece. What is the maximum number of draughts kings we can place on the black squares of a standard \(8\times 8\) draughts board, so that each king is attacking at least one other?

In order to encrypt telegraph signals it is necessary to divide every possible 10 character ‘word’ – an arrangement of 10 dots and dashes – into two groups, so that any two words in the same group differed by no fewer than three characters. Find a method of doing this or prove that no such method exists.

Four lamps need to be hung over a square ice-rink so that they fully illuminate it. What is the minimum height needed at which to hang the lamps if each lamp illuminates a circle of radius equal to the height at which it hangs?

Is it possible to place the numbers \(1, 2,\dots 12\) around a circle so that the difference between any two adjacent numbers is 3, 4, or 5?

In a corridor of length 100 m, 20 sections of red carpet are laid out. The combined length of the sections is 1000 m. What is the largest number there can be of distinct stretches of the corridor that are not covered by carpet, given that the sections of carpet are all the same width as the corridor?

On a circle of radius 1, the point \(O\) is marked and from this point, to the right, a notch is marked using a compass of radius \(l\). From the obtained notch \(O_1\), a new notch is marked, in the same direction with the same radius and this is process is repeated 1968 times. After this, the circle is cut at all 1968 notches, and we get 1968 arcs. How many different lengths of arcs can this result in?

The numbers \(1, 2, 3, \dots , 99\) are written onto 99 blank cards in order. The cards are then shuffled and then spread in a row face down. The numbers \(1, 2, 3, \dots, 99\) are once more written onto in the blank side of the cards in order. For each card the numbers written on it are then added together. The 99 resulting summations are then multiplied together. Prove that the result will be an even number.