
Found: 18

Each pair of cities in Wonderland is connected by a flight operated by "Wonderland Airlines". How many cities are there in the country if there are \(105\) different flights? We count a flight from city \(A\) to city \(B\) as the same as city \(B\) to city \(A\) - i.e. the pair \(A\) to \(B\) and \(B\) to \(A\) counts as one flight.

(a) In a regular 10-gon we draw all possible diagonals. How many line segments are drawn? How many diagonals?

(b) Same questions for a regular 100-gon.

(c) Same questions for an arbitrary convex 100-gon.

Draw \(6\) points on a plane and join some of them with edges so that every point is joined with exactly \(4\) other points.

There are \(15\) cities in Wonderland, a foreigner was told that every city is connected with at least seven others by a road. Is this enough information to guarantee that he can travel from any city to any other city by going down one or maybe two roads?

On the \(xy\)-plane shown below is the graph of the function \(y=ax^2 +c\). At which points does the graph of the function \(y=cx+a\) intersect the \(x\) and \(y\) axes?

The graph of the function \(y=kx+b\) is shown on the diagram below. Compare \(|k|\) and \(|b|\).

A numerical set \(x_1, \dots , x_n\) is given. Consider the function \(d(t) = \frac{min_{i=1,\dots ,n}|x_i-t| + max_{i=1,\dots ,n}|x_i - t|}{2}\).

a) Is it true that the function \(d (t)\) takes the smallest value at a single point, for any set of numbers \(x_1, \dots , x_n\)?

b) Compare the values of \(d (c)\) and \(d (m)\) where \(c = \frac{min_{i=1,\dots ,n}x_i + max_{i=1,\dots ,n}x_i}{2}\) and \(m\) is the median of the specified set.