
Found: 63

How many times greater is the sum of the numbers in the hundred and first line of the Pascal triangle than the sum of the numbers in the hundredth line?

Let’s put plus and minus signs in the 99th line of Pascal’s triangle. Between the first and second number there is a minus sign, between the second and the third there is a plus sign, between the third and the fourth there is a minus sign, then again a plus sign, and so on. Find the value of the resulting expression.

Several Top Secret Objects are connected by an underground railway in such a way that each Object is directly connected to no more than three others and from each Object one can reach any other Object by going and by changing no more than once. What is the maximum number of Top Secret Objects?

There are 30 ministers in a parliament. Each two of them are either friends or enemies, and each is friends with exactly six others. Every three ministers form a committee. Find the total number of committees in which all three members are friends or all three are enemies.

A six-digit phone number is given. How many seven-digit numbers are there from which one can obtain this six-digit number by deleting one digit?

There is a counter on the chessboard. Two in turn move the counter to an adjacent on one side cell. It is forbidden to put a counter on a cell, which it has already visited. The one who can not make the next turn loses. Who wins with the right strategy?

The city plan is a rectangle of \(5 \times 10\) cells. On the streets, a one-way traffic system is introduced: it is allowed to go only to the right and upwards. How many different routes lead from the bottom left corner to the upper right?

On a \(100 \times 100\) board 100 rooks are placed that cannot capturing one another.

Prove that an equal number of rooks is placed in the upper right and lower left cells of \(50 \times 50\) squares.

There are three sets of dominoes of different colours. How can you put the dominoes from all three sets into a chain (according to the rules of the game) so that every two neighbouring dominoes are of a different colour?

How many ways can I schedule the first round of the Russian Football Championship, in which 16 teams are playing? (It is important to note who is the host team).