
Found: 547

Can I replace the letters with numbers in the puzzle \(RE \times CTS + 1 = CE \times MS\) so that the correct equality is obtained (different letters need to be replaced by different numbers, and the same letters must correspond to the same digits)?

Of the four inequalities \(2x > 70\), \(x < 100\), \(4x > 25\) and \(x > 5\), two are true and two are false. Find the value of \(x\) if it is known that it is an integer.

At the vertices of the hexagon \(ABCDEF\) (see Fig.) There were 6 identical balls: at \(A\) – one with mass 1 g, at \(B\) – 2 g, ..., at \(F\) – 6 g. Callum changed the places of two balls in opposite vertices. A set of weighing scales with 2 plates is available, which let you know which plate contains the balls of greater mass. How, in one weighing, can it be determined which balls were rearranged?


There are 40 weights of weights of 1 g, 2 g, ..., 40 grams. Of these, 10 weights of even weight were chosen and placed on the left hand side of the scales. Then we selected 10 weights of odd weight and put it on the right hand side of the scales. The scales were balanced. Prove that on one of the bowls of the scales there are two weights with a mass difference of 20 g.

Pinocchio correctly solved a problem, but stained his notebook. \[(\bullet \bullet + \bullet \bullet+1)\times \bullet= \bullet \bullet \bullet\]

Under each blot lies the same number, which is not equal to zero. Find this number.

Seven coins are arranged in a circle. It is known that some four of them, lying in succession, are fake and that every counterfeit coin is lighter than a real one. Explain how to find two counterfeit coins from one weighing on scales without any weights. (All counterfeit coins weigh the same.)

Four people discussed the answer to a task.

Harry said: “This is the number 9”.

Ben: “This is a prime number.”

Katie: “This is an even number.”

And Natasha said that this number is divisible by 15.

One boy and one girl answered correctly, and the other two made a mistake. What is the actual answer to the question?

Peter recorded an example of an addition on a board, after which he replaced some digits with letters, with the same figures being replaced with the same letters, and different figures with different letters. He did it such that he was left with the sum: \(CROSS + 2011 = START\). Prove that Peter made a mistake.

Four numbers (from 1 to 9) have been used to create two numbers with four-digits each. These two numbers are the maximum and minimum numbers, respectively, possible. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 11990. What could the two numbers be?

There are 100 boxes numbered from 1 to 100. In one box there is a prize and the presenter knows where the prize is. The spectator can send the presented a pack of notes with questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. The presenter mixes the notes in a bag and, without reading out the questions aloud, honestly answers all of them. What is the smallest number of notes you need to send to know for sure where the prize is?