
Found: 211

a) There are 21 coins on a table with the tails side facing upwards. In one operation, you are allowed to turn over any 20 coins. Is it possible to achieve the arrangement were all coins are facing with the heads side upwards in a few operations?

b) The same question, if there are 20 coins, but you are allowed to turn over 19.

Prove that the following inequalities hold for the Brockard angle \(\varphi\):

a) \(\varphi ^{3} \le (\alpha - \varphi) (\beta - \varphi) (\gamma - \varphi)\) ;

b) \(8 \varphi^{3} \le \alpha \beta \gamma\) (the Jiff inequality).

Let \(f (x)\) be a polynomial of degree \(n\) with roots \(\alpha_1, \dots , \alpha_n\). We define the polygon \(M\) as the convex hull of the points \(\alpha_1, \dots , \alpha_n\) on the complex plane. Prove that the roots of the derivative of this polynomial lie inside the polygon \(M\).

a) Using geometric considerations, prove that the base and the side of an isosceles triangle with an angle of \(36^{\circ}\) at the vertex are incommensurable.

b) Invent a geometric proof of the irrationality of \(\sqrt{2}\).

A chequered strip of \(1 \times N\) is given. Two players play the game. The first player puts a cross into one of the free cells on his turn, and subsequently the second player puts a nought in another one of the cells. It is not allowed for there to be two crosses or two noughts in two neighbouring cells. The player who is unable to make a move loses.

Which of the players can always win (no matter how their opponent played)?

At a round table, 2015 people are sitting down, each of them is either a knight or a liar. Knights always tell the truth, liars always lie. They were given one card each, and on each card a number is written; all the numbers on the cards are different. Looking at the cards of their neighbours, each of those sitting at the table said: “My number is greater than that of each of my two neighbors.” After that, \(k\) of the sitting people said: “My number is less than that of each of my two neighbors.” At what maximum \(k\) could this occur?

A pack of 36 cards was placed in front of a psychic face down. He calls the suit of the top card, after which the card is opened, shown to him and put aside. After this, the psychic calls out the suit of the next card, etc. The task of the psychic is to guess the suit as many times as possible. However, the card backs are in fact asymmetrical, and the psychic can see in which of the two positions the top card lies. The deck is prepared by a bribed employee. The clerk knows the order of the cards in the deck, and although he cannot change it, he can prompt the psychic by having the card backs arranged in a way according to a specific arrangement. Can the psychic, with the help of such a clue, ensure the guessing of the suit of

a) more than half of the cards;

b) no less than 20 cards?

Hannah and Emma have three coins. On different sides of one coin there are scissors and paper, on the sides of another coin – a rock and scissors, on the sides of the third – paper and a rock. Scissors defeat paper, paper defeats rock and rock wins against scissors. First, Hannah chooses a coin, then Emma, then they throw their coins and see who wins (if the same image appears on both, then it’s a draw). They do this many times. Is it possible for Emma to choose a coin so that the probability of her winning is higher than that of Hannah?