
Found: 92

A game with 25 coins. In a row there are 25 coins. For a turn it is allowed to take one or two neighbouring coins. The player who has nothing to take loses.

There are two hourglasses – one for 7 minutes and another for 11 minutes. An egg is boiled for 15 minutes. How can this time be measured with the help of the available hourglasses?

The farmer must transport across a river a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. The boat accommodates one person, and with him/her either a wolf, a goat, or a cabbage. If you leave the goat and the wolf unattended, the wolf will eat the goat. If you leave cabbage and goat without supervision, the goat will eat the cabbage. How can the farmer transport his cargo across the river?

Replace each letter in the diagram with a digit from 1 to 9 so that all the inequalities are satisfied,


and then arrange the letters in numerical order of their numerical values. What word did you get?

There is a 12-litre barrel filled with beer, and two empty kegs of 5 and 8 litres. Try using these kegs to:

a) divide the beer into two parts of 3 and 9 litres;

b) divide the beer into two equal parts.

A traveller rents a room in an inn for a week and offers the innkeeper a chain of seven silver links as payment – one link per day, with the condition that they will be payed everyday. The innkeeper agrees, with the condition that the traveller can only cut one of the links. How did the traveller manage to pay the innkeeper?

In an apartment building in which there are only married couples with children, a population census was carried out. The person who conducted the census stated in the report: “There are more adults in the building than children. Each boy has a sister and there are more boys than girls. There are no childless families.” This report was incorrect. Why?

On a table five coins are placed in a row: the middle coin shows heads and the rest show tails. It is allowed to turn over three adjacent coins simultaneously. Is it possible to get all five coins to show heads after turning the coins over several times?

48 blacksmiths must shoe 60 horses. Each blacksmith spends 5 minutes on one horseshoe. What is the shortest time they should spend on the work? (Note that a horse can not stand on two legs.)

There are 6 locked suitcases and 6 keys for them. It is not known which keys are for which suitcase. What is the smallest number of attempts do you need in order to open all the suitcases? How many attempts would you need if there are 10 suitcases and keys instead of 6?