
Found: 759

A pawn stands on one of the squares of an endless in both directions chequered strip of paper. It can be shifted by \(m\) squares to the right or by \(n\) squares to the left. For which \(m\) and \(n\) can it move to the next cell to the right?

How many different four-digit numbers, divisible by 4, can be made up of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4,

a) if each number can occur only once?

b) if each number can occur several times?

How many integers are there from 0 to 999999, in the decimal notation of which there are no two identical numbers next to each other?

a) they have 10 vertices, the degree of each of which is equal to 9?

b) they have 8 vertices, the degree of each of which is equal to 3?

c) are they connected, without cycles and contain 6 edges?