
Found: 759

Prove there are no integer solutions for the equation \(3x^2 + 2 = y^2\).

Can seven phones be connected with wires so that each phone is connected to exactly three others?

Write out in a row the numbers from \(1\) to \(9\) (every number once) so that every two consecutive numbers give a two-digit number that is divisible by \(7\) or by \(13\).

Prove that the sum of

a) any number of even numbers is even;

b) an even number of odd numbers is even;

c) an odd number of odd numbers is odd.

Prove that the product of

a) two odd numbers is odd;

b) an even number with any integer is even.

A road of length 1 km is lit with streetlights. Each streetlight illuminates a stretch of road of length 1 m. What is the maximum number of streetlights that there could be along the road, if it is known that when any single streetlight is extinguished the street will no longer be fully illuminated?

In the number \(1234096\dots\) each digit, starting with the 5th digit is equal to the final digit of the sum of the previous 4 digits. Will the digits 8123 ever occur in that order in a row in this number?

7 natural numbers are written around the edges of a circle. It is known that in each pair of adjacent numbers one is divisible by the other. Prove that there will be another pair of numbers that are not adjacent that share this property.

Is it possible to transport 50 stone blocks, whose masses are equal to \(370, 372,\dots, 468\) kg, from a quarry on seven 3-tonne trucks?