
Found: 36

Let \(AA_1\) and \(BB_1\) be the heights of the triangle \(ABC\). Prove that the triangles \(A_1B_1C\) and \(ABC\) are similar.

Let \(G,F,H\) and \(I\) be the midpoints of the sides \(CD, DA, AB, BC\) of the square \(ABCD\), whose area is equal to \(S\). Find the area of the quadrilateral formed by the straight lines \(BG,DH,AF,CE\).

a) Prove that if in the triangle the median coincides with the height then this triangle is an isosceles triangle.

b) Prove that if in a triangle the bisector coincides with the height then this triangle is an isosceles triangle.

Prove that the bisectors of a triangle intersect at one point.

A circle divides each side of a triangle into three equal parts. Prove that this triangle is regular.

The point \(D\) lies on the base \(AC\) of the isosceles triangle \(ABC\). Prove that the radii of the circumscribed circles of the triangles \(ABD\) and \(CBD\) are equal.