
Found: 53

In the country called Orientation a one-way traffic system was introduced on all the roads, and each city can be reached from any other one by driving on no more than two roads. One road was closed for repairs but from every city it remained possible to get to any other. Prove that for every two cities this can still be done whilst driving on no more than 3 roads.

In a circle, each member has one friend and one enemy. Prove that

a) the number of members is even.

b) the circle can be divided into two neutral circles.

Out of a whole 100-vertex graph, 98 edges were removed. Prove that the remaining ones were connected.

In a country, each two cities are connected with a one-way road.

Prove that there is a city from which you can drive to any other whilst travelling along no more than two roads.

Prove that in a bipartite planar graph \(E \geq 2F\), if \(E \geq 2\) (\(E\) is the number of edges, \(F\) is the number of regions).

12 teams played a volleyball tournament in one round. Two teams scored exactly 7 wins.

Prove that there are teams \(A\), \(B\), \(C\) where \(A\) won against \(B\), \(B\) won against \(C\), and \(C\) won against \(A\).

Find a natural number greater than one that occurs in the Pascal triangle a) more than three times; b) more than four times.

For which \(n > 3\), can a set of weights with masses of \(1, 2, 3, ..., n\) grams be divided into three groups of equal mass?

There are \(n\) cities in a country. Between each two cities an air service is established by one of two airlines. Prove that out of these two airlines at least one is such that from any city you can get to any other city whilst traveling on flights only of this airline.

In the secret service, there are \(n\) agents – 001, 002, ..., 007, ..., \(n\). The first agent monitors the one who monitors the second, the second monitors the one who monitors the third, etc., the nth monitors the one who monitors the first. Prove that \(n\) is an odd number.