
Found: 55

Author: Shapovalov A.V.

Let \(A\) and \(B\) be two rectangles. From rectangles equal to \(A\), a rectangle similar to \(B\) was created.

Prove that from rectangles equal to \(B\), you can create a rectangle similar to \(A\).

Author: A. Glazyrin

In the coordinate space, all planes with the equations \(x \pm y \pm z = n\) (for all integers \(n\)) were carried out. They divided the space into tetrahedra and octahedra. Suppose that the point \((x_0, y_0, z_0)\) with rational coordinates does not lie in any plane. Prove that there is a positive integer \(k\) such that the point \((kx_0, ky_0, kz_0)\) lies strictly inside some octahedron from the partition.

Authors: B. Vysokanov, N. Medved, V. Bragin

The teacher grades tests on a scale from 0 to 100. The school can change the upper bound of the scale to any other natural number, recalculating the estimates proportionally and rounding up to integers. A non-integer number, when rounded, changes to the nearest integer; if the fractional part is equal to 0.5, the direction of rounding can be either up or down and it can be different for each question. (For example, an estimate of 37 on a scale of 100 after recalculation in the scale of 40 will go to \(37 \cdot 40/100 = 14.8\) and will be rounded to 15).

The students of Peter and Valerie got marks, which are not 0 and 100. Prove that the school can do several conversions so that Peter’s mark becomes b and Valerie’s mark becomes a (both marks are recalculated simultaneously).

Author: A.A. Egorov

Calculate the square root of the number \(0.111 \dots 111\) (100 ones) to within a) 100; b) 101; c)* 200 decimal places.

In some country there are 101 cities, and some of them are connected by roads. However, every two cities are connected by exactly one path.

How many roads are there in this country?