
Found: 22

In a square which has sides of length 1 there are 100 figures, the total area of which sums to more than 99. Prove that in the square there is a point which belongs to all of these figures.

The key of the cipher, called the “swivelling grid”, is a stencil made from a square sheet of chequered paper of size \(n \times n\) (where \(n\) is even). Some of the cells are cut out. One side of the stencil is marked. When this stencil is placed onto a blank sheet of paper in four possible ways (marked side up, right, down or left), its cut-outs completely cover the entire area of the square, where each cell is found under the cut-out exactly once. The letters of the message, that have length \(n^2\), are successively written into the cut-outs of the stencil, where the sheet of paper is placed on a blank sheet of paper with the marked side up. After filling in all of the cut-outs of the stencil with the letters of the message, the stencil is placed in the next position, etc. After removing the stencil from the sheet of paper, there is an encrypted message.

Find the number of different keys for an arbitrary even number \(n\).

26 numbers are chosen from the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 49, 50. Will there always be two numbers chosen whose difference is 1?

We are given 51 two-digit numbers – we will count one-digit numbers as two-digit numbers with a leading 0. Prove that it is possible to choose 6 of these so that no two of them have the same digit in the same column.

You are given 1002 different integers that are no greater than 2000. Prove that it is always possible to choose three of the given numbers so that the sum of two of them is equal to the third.

Will this still always be possible if we are given 1001 integers rather than 1002?

Prove that amongst any 11 different decimal fractions of infinite length, there will be two whose digits in the same column – 10ths, 100s, 1000s, etc – coincide (are the same) an infinite number of times.

Hannah placed 101 counters in a row which had values of 1, 2 and 3 points. It turned out that there was at least one counter between every two one point counters, at least two counters lie between every two two point counters, and at least three counters lie between every two three point counters. How many three point counters could Hannah have?

A pack of 36 cards was placed in front of a psychic face down. He calls the suit of the top card, after which the card is opened, shown to him and put aside. After this, the psychic calls out the suit of the next card, etc. The task of the psychic is to guess the suit as many times as possible. However, the card backs are in fact asymmetrical, and the psychic can see in which of the two positions the top card lies. The deck is prepared by a bribed employee. The clerk knows the order of the cards in the deck, and although he cannot change it, he can prompt the psychic by having the card backs arranged in a way according to a specific arrangement. Can the psychic, with the help of such a clue, ensure the guessing of the suit of

a) more than half of the cards;

b) no less than 20 cards?