
Found: 58

There are 13 weights, each weighing an integer number of grams. It is known that any 12 of them can be divided into two cups of weights, six weights on each one, which will come to equilibrium. Prove that all the weights have the same weight.

All integers from 1 to \(2n\) are written in a row. Then, to each number, the number of its place in the row is added, that is, to the first number 1 is added, to the second – 2, and so on.

Prove that among the sums obtained there are at least two that give the same remainder when divided by \(2n\).

The tracks in a zoo form an equilateral triangle, in which the middle lines are drawn. A monkey ran away from its cage. Two guards try to catch the monkey. Will they be able to catch the monkey if all three of them can run only along the tracks, and the speed of the monkey and the speed of the guards are equal and they can always see each other?

The judges of an Olympiad decided to denote each participant with a natural number in such a way that it would be possible to unambiguously reconstruct the number of points received by each participant in each task, and that from each two participants the one with the greater number would be the participant which received a higher score. Help the judges solve this problem!

In a group of seven boys, everyone has at least three brothers who are in that group. Prove that all seven are brothers.

Is it possible to arrange 44 marbles into 9 piles, so that the number of marbles in each pile is different?

10 friends sent one another greetings cards; each sent 5 cards. Prove that there will be two friends who sent cards to one another.

Some points with integer co-ordinates are marked on a Cartesian plane. It is known that no four points lie on the same circle. Prove that there will be a circle of radius 1995 in the plane, which does not contain a single marked point.