
Found: 394

Every point in a plane, which has whole-number co-ordinates, is plotted in one of \(n\) colours. Prove that there will be a rectangle made out of 4 points of the same colour.

Prove that multiplying the polynomial \((x + 1)^{n-1}\) by any polynomial different from zero, we obtain a polynomial having at least \(n\) nonzero coefficients.

\(2n\) diplomats sit around a round table. After a break the same \(2n\) diplomats sit around the same table, but this time in a different order.

Prove that there will always be two diplomats with the same number of people sitting between them, both before and after the break.

A gang contains 50 gangsters. The whole gang has never taken part in a raid together, but every possible pair of gangsters has taken part in a raid together exactly once. Prove that one of the gangsters has taken part in no less than 8 different raids.

On every cell of a \(9 \times 9\) board there is a beetle. At the sound of a whistle, every beetle crawls onto one of the diagonally neighbouring cells. Note that, in some cells, there may be more than one beetle, and some cells will be unoccupied.

Prove that there will be at least 9 unoccupied cells.

On the planet Tau Ceti, the landmass takes up more than half the surface area. Prove that the Tau Cetians can drill a hole through the centre of their planet that connects land to land.

We are given 101 natural numbers whose sum is equal to 200. Prove that we can always pick some of these numbers so that the sum of the picked numbers is 100.