
Found: 92

Prove that multiplying the polynomial \((x + 1)^{n-1}\) by any polynomial different from zero, we obtain a polynomial having at least \(n\) nonzero coefficients.

A \(99 \times 99\) chequered table is given, each cell of which is painted black or white. It is allowed (at the same time) to repaint all of the cells of a certain column or row in the colour of the majority of cells in that row or column. Is it always possible to have that all of the cells in the table are painted in the same colour?

10 guests came to a party and each left a pair of shoes in the corridor (all guests have the same shoes). All pairs of shoes are of different sizes. The guests began to disperse one by one, putting on any pair of shoes that they could fit into (that is, each guest could wear a pair of shoes no smaller than his own). At some point, it was discovered that none of the remaining guests could find a pair of shoes so that they could leave. What was the maximum number of remaining guests?

How can one measure out 15 minutes, using an hourglass of 7 minutes and 11 minutes?

A journalist came to a company which had \(N\) people. He knows that this company has a person \(Z\), who knows all the other members of the company, but nobody knows him. A journalist can address each member of the company with the question: “Do you know such and such?” Find the smallest number of questions sufficient to surely find \(Z\). (Everyone answers the questions truthfully. One person can be asked more than one question.)

Each of the three cutlets should be fried in a pan on both sides for five minutes each side. Only two cutlets can fit onto the frying pan. Is it possible to fry all three cutlets more quickly than in 20 minutes (if the time to turn over and transfer the cutlets is neglected)?

Your task is to find out a five-digit phone number, asking questions that can be answered with either “yes” or “no.” What is the smallest number of questions for which this can be guaranteed (provided that the questions are answered correctly)?

Hannah has 10 employees. Each month, Hannah raises the salary by 1 pound of exactly nine of her employees (of her choice). How can Hannah raise the salaries to make them equal? (Salaries are an integer number of pounds.)

Three friends decide, by a coin toss, who goes to get the juice. They have one coin. How do they arrange coin tosses so that all of them have equal chances to not have to go and get the juice?

There are 8 glasses of water on the table. You are allowed to take any two of the glasses and make them have equal volumes of water (by pouring some water from one glass into the other). Prove that, by using such operations, you can eventually get all the glasses to contain equal volumes of water.