
Found: 34

While walking through the woods in Wonderland, Alice met three very peculiar hunters. They hunted a hare, which was hiding in one of the vertices of the cube \(ABCDEFGH\).

The three hunters fire simultaneously to hit the vertices of the cube (the hunters are all excellent shooters). If they don’t hit the hare, the hare runs over one of the three adjacent edges to the next vertex and hides there. The hunters ask Alice to help them. They want to shoot the hare firing not more than 4 times, but not sure how to do it. Can you help Alice advise the hunters? (please write four vertex triples to be fired by the hunters).

In the middle of the Dark Forest in Wonderland there is a large square clearing, where a wolf is sitting right is the middle of the square, and four dogs are sitting at the four vertices of the square. The wolf can run inside the square with maximum speed \(v\), while the dogs can run along the edges of the square with the speed \(1.5v\). It is known that the wolf kills a dog if they meet one to one, and two dogs kill the wolf if they overpower it together. Can the wolf escape from that square into the forest?

Petya and Misha play such a game. Petya takes in each hand a coin: one – 10 pence, and the other – 15. After that, the contents of the left hand are multiplied by 4, 10, 12 or 26, and the contents of the right hand – by 7, 13, 21 or 35. Then Petya adds the two results and tells Misha the result. Can Misha, knowing this result, determine which hand – the right or left – contains the 10 pence coin?

Two grandmasters in turn put rooks on a chessboard (one turn – one rook) so that they cannot capture each other. The person who cannot put a rook on the chessboard loses. Who will win with the game – the first or second grandmaster?

Prove that in a game of noughts and crosses on a \(3\times 3\) grid, if the first player uses the right strategy then the second player cannot win.

On a plane there are 100 sheep-points and one wolf-point. In one move, the wolf moves by no more than 1, after which one of the sheep moves by a distance of no more than 1, after that the wolf again moves, etc. At any initial location of the points, will a wolf be able to catch one of the sheep?

Given a board (divided into squares) of the size: a) \(10\times 12\), b) \(9\times 10\), c) \(9\times 11\), consider the game with two players where: in one turn a player is allowed to cross out any row or any column if there is at least one square not crossed out. The loser is the one who cannot make a move. Is there a winning strategy for one of the players?

The rook stands on the square a1 of a chessboard. For a move, you can move it by any number of cells to the right or up. The one who puts the rook on the h8 square will win. Who wins with the right strategy?

A chequered strip of \(1 \times N\) is given. Two players play the game. The first player puts a cross into one of the free cells on his turn, and subsequently the second player puts a nought in another one of the cells. It is not allowed for there to be two crosses or two noughts in two neighbouring cells. The player who is unable to make a move loses.

Which of the players can always win (no matter how their opponent played)?

Hannah and Emma have three coins. On different sides of one coin there are scissors and paper, on the sides of another coin – a rock and scissors, on the sides of the third – paper and a rock. Scissors defeat paper, paper defeats rock and rock wins against scissors. First, Hannah chooses a coin, then Emma, then they throw their coins and see who wins (if the same image appears on both, then it’s a draw). They do this many times. Is it possible for Emma to choose a coin so that the probability of her winning is higher than that of Hannah?