
Found: 15

In the magical land of Anchuria there is a drafts championship made up of several rounds. The days and cities in which the rounds are carried out are determined by a draw. According to the rules of the championship, no two rounds can take place in one city, and no two rounds can take place on one day. Among the fans, a lottery is arranged: the main prize is given to those who correctly guess, before the start of the championship, in which cities and on which days all of the round will take place. If no one guesses, then the main prize will go to the organising committee of the championship. In total, there are eight cities in Anchuria, and the championship is only allotted eight days. How many rounds should there be in the championship, so that the organising committee is most likely to receive the main prize?

The Scattered Scientist constructed a device consisting of a sensor and a transmitter. The average life expectancy of the sensor part is 3 years, the average lifetime of the transmitter is 5 years. Knowing the distribution of the lifetime of the sensor and the transmitter, the Scattered Scientist calculated that the average lifetime of the entire device is 3 years 8 months. Was the Scattered Scientist wrong in his calculations?

An ant goes out of the origin along a line and makes \(a\) steps of one unit to the right, \(b\) steps of one unit to the left in some order, where \(a > b\). The wandering span of the ant is the difference between the largest and smallest coordinates of the ant for the entire length of its journey.

a) Find the largest possible wandering range.

b) Find the smallest possible range.

c) How many different sequences of motion of the ant are there, where the wandering range is the greatest possible?