
Found: 68

In each square of a rectangular table of size \(M \times K\), a number is written. The sum of the numbers in each row and in each column, is 1. Prove that \(M = K\).

On every cell of a \(9 \times 9\) board there is a beetle. At the sound of a whistle, every beetle crawls onto one of the diagonally neighbouring cells. Note that, in some cells, there may be more than one beetle, and some cells will be unoccupied.

Prove that there will be at least 9 unoccupied cells.

Is it possible to fill an \(n\times n\) table with the numbers \(-1\), \(0\), \(1\), such that the sums of all the rows, columns, and diagonals are unique?

In a volleyball tournament teams play each other once. A win gives the team 1 point, a loss 0 points. It is known that at one point in the tournament all of the teams had different numbers of points. How many points did the team in second last place have at the end of the tournament, and what was the result of its match against the eventually winning team?

In a one-on-one tournament 10 chess players participate. What is the least number of rounds after which the single winner could have already been determined? (In each round, the participants are broken up into pairs. Win – 1 point, draw – 0.5 points, defeat – 0).

16 teams took part in a handball tournament where a victory was worth 2 points, a draw – 1 point and a defeat – 0 points. All teams scored a different number of points, and the team that ranked seventh, scored 21 points. Prove that the winning team drew at least once.

In a school football tournament, 8 teams participate, each of which plays equally well in football. Each game ends with the victory of one of the teams. A randomly chosen by a draw number determines the position of the teams in the table:

What is the probability that teams \(A\) and \(B\):

a) will meet in the semifinals;

b) will meet in the finals.

In the magical land of Anchuria there is a drafts championship made up of several rounds. The days and cities in which the rounds are carried out are determined by a draw. According to the rules of the championship, no two rounds can take place in one city, and no two rounds can take place on one day. Among the fans, a lottery is arranged: the main prize is given to those who correctly guess, before the start of the championship, in which cities and on which days all of the round will take place. If no one guesses, then the main prize will go to the organising committee of the championship. In total, there are eight cities in Anchuria, and the championship is only allotted eight days. How many rounds should there be in the championship, so that the organising committee is most likely to receive the main prize?

What is the smallest number of cells that can be chosen on a \(15\times15\) board so that a mouse positioned on any cell on the board touches at least two marked cells? (The mouse also touches the cell on which it stands.)

a) There are three identical large vessels. In one there are 3 litres of syrup, in the other – 20 litres of water, and the third is empty. You can pour all the liquid from one vessel into another or into a sink. You can choose two vessels and pour into one of them liquid from the third, until the liquid levels in the selected vessels are equal. How can you get 10 litres of diluted 30% syrup?

b) The same, but there is \(N\) l of water. At what integer values of \(N\) can you get 10 liters of diluted 30% syrup?