
Found: 753

The architect decided to flee The Country of 15 Cities and began to travel around the world. He arrived to a country, where every city had exactly 3 roads going to and from it. Can there be all together 100 roads in that country?

There are 9 cities named City 1, City 2, City 3, …, and City 9 in a country named The Country of the Nine Cities. Two cities are connected by a road only if the sum of the numbers made up by their names is divisible by 3. Can our travelling architect reach City 9 by starting his journey from City 1 and travelling along those roads?

Show that among any 6 people there are always either 3 people who all know each other or 3 total strangers.

Show that the number of people who ever lived and made an odd number of handshakes is even.

Is it possible to trace the lines in the figures below in such a way that you trace each line only once?

Can you draw 9 line segments in such a way that each segment crosses exactly 3 other segments?

Take any two non-equal numbers \(a\) and \(b\), then we can write \[a^2 - 2ab + b^2 = b^2 - 2ab + a^2\] Using the formula \((x-y)^2 = x^2 - 2xy + y^2\), we complete the squares and rewrite the equality above as \[(a-b)^2 = (b-a)^2.\] As we take a square root from the both sides of the equality, we get \[a-b = b-a.\] Finally, adding to both sides \(a+b\) we get \[\begin{aligned} a-b + (a+b) &= b-a + (a+ b)\\ 2a&= 2b\\ a&=b. \end{aligned}\] Therefore, All NON-EQUAL NUMBERS ARE EQUAL! (This is gibberish, isn’t it?)

Consider equation \[x-a=0\] Dividing both sides of this equation by \(x-a\), we get \[\frac{x-a}{x-a} = \frac{0}{x-a}.\] But \(\frac{x-a}{x-a}=1\) and \(\frac{0}{x-a}=0\). Therefore, we get \[1=0.\]

Let \(n\) be some positive number. It is obvious that \[2n-1<2n.\] Take another positive number \(a\), and multiply both sides of the inequality by \((-a)\) \[-2na +a< -2na.\] Now, subtracting \((-2na)\) from both sides of the inequality we get \(a<0\).


Suppose \(a \neq b\). We can write \[-a = b - (a+b)\] and \[-b = a - (a+b)\] Since \((-a)b = a(-b)\), then \[( b - (a+b))b = a(a - (a+b))\] Removing the brackets, we have \[b^2 - (a+b)b = a^2 - a(a+b)\] Adding \(\left(\frac{a+b}{2}\right)^2\) to each member of the equality we may complete the square of the differences of two numbers \[\left(b - \frac{a+b}{2}\right)^2 = \left(a - \frac{a+b}{2}\right)^2\] From the equality of the squares we conclude the equality of the bases \[b - \frac{a+b}{2} = a - \frac{a+b}{2}.\] Adding \(\frac{a+b}{2}\) to both sides of equality we get \(a=b\). Therefore, WE HAVE SHOWED THAT FROM \(a\neq b\) IT FOLLOWS \(a=b\).