
Found: 61

Along the path between Fiona’s and Jane’s house there is a row of flowers: 15 peonies and 15 tulips in a random order. Before visiting Fiona’s house, Jane started watering all of the plants from the beginning of the row. After the 10th tulip the water finished and 10 flowers were left unwatered. The next day, before visiting Jane’s house, Fiona started picking flowers for a bouquet starting from the end of the row. After picking the 6th tulip, she decided that the bouquet was big enough. How many flowers were left growing beside the path?

In six baskets there are pears, plums and apples. The number of plums in each basket is equal to the total number of apples in the other baskets. The number of apples in each basket is equal to the total number of pears in the other baskets. Prove that the total number of fruits is divisible by 31.

There are bacteria in a glass. After a second each bacterium divides in half to create two new bacteria. Then after another second these bacteria divide in half, and so on. After a minute the glass is full. After how much time will the glass be half full?

Anna, Vincent, Tom and Sarah each bought one apple for 10p from a fruit stand. How did they manage to do this, if they didn’t have any coins less than 20p and if the fruit stand didn’t have any change less than 50p?

A piece fell out of a book, the first page of which is the number 439, and the number of the last page is written with those same numbers in some other order. How many pages are in the fallen out piece?

A snail crawls along a wall, having started from the bottom of the wall. Each day the snail crawls upwards by 5 cm and each night it slides down the wall by 4 cm. When does it reach the top of the wall, if the height of the wall is 75 cm?

In January of a certain year there were four Fridays and four Mondays. Which day of the week was the 20th of January in that year?

A rectangle of size \(199\times991\) is drawn on squared paper. How many squares intersect the diagonal of the rectangle?

The intelligence agency of the Galactic Empire intercepted the following coded message from the enemy planet Medusa: \(ABCDE+BADC=ACDED\).

It is known that different numbers are represented by different letters, and that the same numbers are represented by the same letters. Two robots attempted to decode this message and each one got a different answer. Is this possible, or should one of the robots be melted down as scrap metal?

In a room there are some chairs with 4 legs and some stools with 3 legs. When each chair and stool has one person sitting on it, then in the room there are a total of 39 legs. How many chairs and stools are there in the room?