
Found: 246

All integers from 1 to \(2n\) are written in a row. Then, to each number, the number of its place in the row is added, that is, to the first number 1 is added, to the second – 2, and so on.

Prove that among the sums obtained there are at least two that give the same remainder when divided by \(2n\).

Is it possible to place the numbers \(1, 2,\dots 12\) around a circle so that the difference between any two adjacent numbers is 3, 4, or 5?

The numbers \(1, 2, 3, \dots , 99\) are written onto 99 blank cards in order. The cards are then shuffled and then spread in a row face down. The numbers \(1, 2, 3, \dots, 99\) are once more written onto in the blank side of the cards in order. For each card the numbers written on it are then added together. The 99 resulting summations are then multiplied together. Prove that the result will be an even number.

The sum of 100 natural numbers, each of which is no greater than 100, is equal to 200. Prove that it is possible to pick some of these numbers so that their sum is equal to 100.

The judges of an Olympiad decided to denote each participant with a natural number in such a way that it would be possible to unambiguously reconstruct the number of points received by each participant in each task, and that from each two participants the one with the greater number would be the participant which received a higher score. Help the judges solve this problem!

The numbers \(a_1, a_2, \dots , a_{1985}\) are the numbers \(1, 2, \dots , 1985\) rearranged in some order. Each number \(a_k\) is multiplied by its number \(k\), and then the largest number is chosen among the resulting 1985 products. Prove that it is not less than \(993^2\).

The product of 1986 natural numbers has exactly 1985 different prime factors. Prove that either one of these natural numbers, or the product of several of them, is the square of a natural number.

The product of a group of 48 natural numbers has exactly 10 prime factors. Prove that the product of some four of the numbers in the group will always give a square number.

Prove that from any 27 different natural numbers less than 100, two numbers that are not coprime can be chosen.