
Found: 78

Peter has some coins in his pocket. If Peter pulls \(3\) coins from his pocket, without looking, there will always be a £1 coin among them. If Peter pulls \(4\) coins from his pocket, without looking, there will always be a £2 coin among them. Peter pulls \(5\) coins from his pocket. Identify these coins.

One day, Claudia, Sofia and Freia noticed that they brought the same toy cars to kindergarten. Claudia has a car with a trailer, a small car and a green car without a trailer. Sofia has a car without a trailer and a small green one with a trailer, and Freia has a big car and a small blue car with a trailer. What kind of car (in terms of colour, size and availability of a trailer) did all of the girls bring to the kindergarten? Explain the answer.

The \(KUB\) is a cube. Prove that the ball, \(CIR\), is not a cube. (\(KUB\) and \(CIR\) are three-digit numbers, where different letters denote different numbers).

There are a thousand tickets with numbers 000, 001, ..., 999 and a hundred boxes with the numbers 00, 01, ..., 99. A ticket is allowed to be dropped into a box if the number of the box can be obtained from the ticket number by erasing one of the digits. Is it possible to arrange all of the tickets into 50 boxes?

There is a group of 5 people: Alex, Beatrice, Victor, Gregory and Deborah. Each of them has one of the following codenames: V, W, X, Y, Z. We know that:

Alex is 1 year older than V,

Beatrice is 2 years older than W,

Victor is 3 years older than X,

Gregory is 4 years older than Y.

Who is older and by how much: Deborah or Z?

The total age of a group of 7 people is 332 years. Prove that it is possible to choose three members of this group so that the sum of their ages is no less than 142 years.

100 people are sitting around a round table. More than half of them are men. Prove that there are two males sitting opposite one another.

How many different four-digit numbers, divisible by 4, can be made up of the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4,

a) if each number can occur only once?

b) if each number can occur several times?