
Found: 246

A cherry which is a ball of radius r is dropped into a round glass whose axial section is the graph of the function \(y = x^4\). At what maximum r will the ball touch the most bottom point of the bottom of the glass? (In other words, what is the maximum radius r of a circle lying in the region \(y \geq x^4\) and containing the origin?).

Cut the interval \([-1, 1]\) into black and white segments so that the integrals of any a) linear function; b) a square trinomial in white and black segments are equal.

  • Eight schoolchildren solved \(8\) tasks. It turned out that \(5\) schoolchildren solved each problem. Prove that there are two schoolchildren, who solved every problem at least once.

  • If each problem is solved by \(4\) pupils, prove that it is not necessary to have two schoolchildren who would solve each problem.

\(x_1\) is the real root of the equation \(x^2 + ax + b = 0\), \(x_2\) is the real root of the equation \(x^2 - ax - b = 0\).

Prove that the equation \(x^2 + 2ax + 2b = 0\) has a real root, enclosed between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\). (\(a\) and \(b\) are real numbers).

We are given a \(100\times 100\) square grid and \(N\) counters. All of the possible arrangements of the counters on the grid which follow the following rule are considered: no two counters lie in adjacent squares.

What is the largest value of \(N\) for which, in every single possible arrangement of counters following this rule, it is possible to find at least one counter such that moving it to an adjacent square does not break the rule. Squares are considered adjacent if they share a side.

What is the largest number of counters that can be put on the cells of a chessboard so that on each horizontal, vertical and diagonal (not only on the main ones) there is an even number of counters?

On a particular day it turned out that every person living in a particular city made no more than one phone call. Prove that it is possible to divide the population of this city into no more than three groups, so that within each group no person spoke to any other by telephone.

Is it possible to arrange natural numbers from 1 to \(2002^2\) in the cells of a \(2002\times2002\) table so that for each cell of this table one could choose a triplet of numbers, from a row or column, where one of the numbers is equal to the product of the other two?

Prove that in any set of 117 unique three-digit numbers it is possible to pick 4 non-overlapping subsets, so that the sum of the numbers in each subset is the same.

Is it possible to arrange the numbers 1, 2, ..., 60 in a circle in such an order that the sum of every two numbers, between which lies one number, is divisible by 2, the sum of every two numbers between which lie two numbers, is divisible by 3, the sum of every two numbers between which lie six numbers, is divisible by 7?