
Found: 34

A rectangular chocolate bar size \(5 \times 10\) is divided by vertical and horizontal division lines into 50 square pieces. Two players are playing the following game. The one who starts breaks the chocolate bar along some division line into two rectangular pieces and puts the resulting pieces on the table. Then players take turns doing the same operation: each time the player whose turn it is at the moment breaks one of the parts into two parts. The one who is the first to break off a square slice \(1\times 1\) (without division lines) a) loses; b) wins. Which of the players can secure a win: the one who starts or the other one?

There is a system of equations \[\begin{aligned} * x + * y + * z &= 0,\\ * x + * y + * z &= 0,\\ * x + * y + * z &= 0. \end{aligned}\] Two people alternately enter a number instead of a star. Prove that the player that goes first can always ensure that the system has a non-zero solution.

Two players play on a square field of size \(99 \times 99\), which has been split onto cells of size \(1 \times 1\). The first player places a cross on the center of the field; After this, the second player can place a zero on any of the eight cells surrounding the cross of the first player. After that, the first puts a cross onto any cell of the field next to one of those already occupied, etc. The first player wins if he can put a cross on any corner cell. Prove that with any strategy of the second player the first can always win.

A White Rook pursues a black bishop on a board of \(3 \times 1969\) cells (they walk in turn according to the usual rules). How should the rook play to take the bishop? White makes the first move.

A monkey escaped from it’s cage in the zoo. Two guards are trying to catch it. The monkey and the guards run along the zoo lanes. There are six straight lanes in the zoo: three long ones form an equilateral triangle and three short ones connect the middles of the triangle sides. Every moment of the time the monkey and the guards can see each other. Will the guards be able to catch the monkey, if it runs three times faster than the guards? (In the beginning of the chase the guards are in one of the triangle vertices and the monkey is in another one.)

There are three piles of rocks: in the first pile there are 10 rocks, 15 in the second pile and 20 in the third pile. In this game (with two players), in one turn a player is allowed to divide one of the piles into two smaller piles. The loser is the one who cannot make a move. Which player would be the winner?

A cat tries to catch a mouse in labyrinths A, B, and C. The cat walks first, beginning with the node marked with the letter “K”. Then the mouse (from the node “M”) moves, then again the cat moves, etc. From any node the cat and mouse go to any adjacent node. If at some point the cat and mouse are in the same node, then the cat eats the mouse.

Can the cat catch the mouse in each of the cases A, B, C?


Two players in turn increase a natural number in such a way that at each increase the difference between the new and old values of the number is greater than zero, but less than the old value. The initial value of the number is 2. The winner is the one who can create the number 1987. Who wins with the correct strategy: the first player or his partner?

There is a chocolate bar with five longitudinal and eight transverse grooves, along which it can be broken (in total into \(9 * 6 = 54\) squares). Two players take part, in turns. A player in his turn breaks off the chocolate bar a strip of width 1 and eats it. Another player who plays in his turn does the same with the part that is left, etc. The one who breaks a strip of width 2 into two strips of width 1 eats one of them, and the other is eaten by his partner. Prove that the first player can act in such a way that he will get at least 6 more chocolate squares than the second player.

Two play tic-tac-toe on a \(10 \times 10\) board according to the following rules. First they fill the whole board with noughts and crosses, putting them in turn (the first player puts crosses, their partner – noughts). Then two numbers are counted: \(K\) is the number of five consecutively standing crosses and \(H\) is the number of five consecutively standing zeros. (Five, standing horizontally, vertically and parallel to the diagonal are counted, if there are six crosses in a row, this gives two fives, if there are seven, then three, etc.). The number \(K-H\) is considered to be the winnings of the first player (the losses of the second).

a) Does the first player have a winning strategy?

b) Does the first player have a non-losing strategy?