
Found: 22

So, the mother exclaimed - “It’s a miracle!", and immediately the mum, dad and the children went to the pet store. “But there are more than fifty bullfinches here, how will we decide?,” the younger brother nearly cried when he saw bullfinches. “Don’t worry,” said the eldest, “there are less than fifty of them”. “The main thing,” said the mother, “is that there is at least one!". “Yes, it’s funny,” Dad summed up, “of your three phrases, only one corresponds to reality.” Can you say how many bullfinches there was in the store, knowing that they bought the child a bullfinch?

In a 10-storey house, 1 person lives on the first floor, 2 on the second floor, 3 on the third, 4 on the fourth, ..., 10 on the tenth. On which floor does the elevator stop most often?