
Found: 394

The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots\) is such that \(a_1 \in (1,2)\) and \(a_{k + 1} = a_k + \frac{k}{a_k}\) for any positive integer \(k\). Prove that it cannot contain more than one pair of terms with an integer sum.The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots\) is such that \(a_1 \in (1,2)\) and \(a_{k + 1} = a_k + \frac{k}{a_k}\) for any positive integer \(k\). Prove that it cannot contain more than one pair of terms with an integer sum.

What is the smallest number of ‘L’ shaped ‘corners’ out of 3 squares that can be marked on an \(8\times 8\) square grid, so that no more ’corners’ would fit?

An airline flew exactly 10 flights each day over the course of 92 days. Each day, each plane flew no more than one flight. It is known that for any two days in this period there will be exactly one plane which flew on both those days. Prove that there is a plane that flew every day in this period.

10 children, including Billy, attended Billy’s birthday party. It turns out that any two children picked from those at the party share a grandfather. Prove that 7 of the children share a grandfather.

A class has 25 pupils. It is known that for any two girls in the class, the number of male friends they have in the class is different. What is the maximum number of girls that it is possible for there to be in the class?

Two ants crawled along their own closed route on a \(7\times7\) board. Each ant crawled only on the sides of the cells of the board and visited each of the 64 vertices of the cells exactly once. What is the smallest possible number of cell edges, along which both the first and second ants crawled?

101 random points are chosen inside a unit square, including on the edges of the square, so that no three points lie on the same straight line. Prove that there exist some triangles with vertices on these points, whose area does not exceed 0.01.

On a chessboard, \(n\) white and \(n\) black rooks are arranged so that the rooks of different colours cannot capture one another. Find the greatest possible value of \(n\).

There are a thousand tickets with numbers 000, 001, ..., 999 and a hundred boxes with the numbers 00, 01, ..., 99. A ticket is allowed to be dropped into a box if the number of the box can be obtained from the ticket number by erasing one of the digits. Is it possible to arrange all of the tickets into 50 boxes?