
Found: 390

Are the sum and product odd or even for:

a) two even numbers?

b) two odd numbers?

c) an odd and an even number?

A group of numbers \(A_1, A_2, \dots , A_{100}\) is created by somehow re-arranging the numbers \(1, 2, \dots , 100\).

100 numbers are created as follows: \[B_1=A_1,\ B_2=A_1+A_2,\ B_3=A_1+A_2+A_3,\ \dots ,\ B_{100} = A_1+A_2+A_3\dots +A_{100}.\]

Prove that there will always be at least 11 different remainders when dividing the numbers \(B_1, B_2, \dots , B_{100}\) by 100.

Prove that in any group of 7 natural numbers – not necessarily consecutive – it is possible to choose three numbers such that their sum is divisible by 3.

a) We are given two cogs, each with 14 teeth. They are placed on top of one another, so that their teeth are in line with one another and their projection looks like a single cog. After this 4 teeth are removed from each cog, the same 4 teeth on each one. Is it always then possible to rotate one of the cogs with respect to the other so that the projection of the two partially toothless cogs appears as a single complete cog? The cogs can be rotated in the same plane, but cannot be flipped over.

b) The same question, but this time two cogs of 13 teeth each from which 4 are again removed?

What figure should I put in place of the “?” in the number \(888 \dots 88\,?\,99 \dots 999\) (eights and nines are written 50 times each) so that it is divisible by 7?

Find the number of solutions in natural numbers of the equation \(\lfloor x / 10\rfloor = \lfloor x / 11\rfloor + 1\).

On a table there are 2022 cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 2022. Two players take one card in turn. After all the cards are taken, the winner is the one who has a greater last digit of the sum of the numbers on the cards taken. Find out which of the players can always win regardless of the opponent’s strategy, and also explain how he should go about playing.

Prove the divisibility rule for \(25\): a number is divisible by \(25\) if and only if the number made by the last two digits of the original number is divisible by \(25\);
Can you come up with a divisibility rule for \(125\)?