
Found: 92

A broken calculator carries out only one operation “asterisk”: \(a*b = 1 - a/b\). Prove that using this calculator it is possible to carry out all four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

To transmit messages by telegraph, each letter of the Russian alphabet () ( and are counted as identical) is represented as a five-digit combination of zeros and ones corresponding to the binary number of the given letter in the alphabet (letter numbering starts from zero). For example, the letter is represented in the form 00000, letter -00001, letter -10111, letter -11111. Transmission of the five-digit combination is made via a cable containing five wires. Each bit is transmitted on a separate wire. When you receive a message, Cryptos has confused the wires, so instead of the transmitted word, a set of letters is received. Find the word you sent.

In one urn there are two white balls, in another two black ones, in the third – one white and one black. On each urn there was a sign indicating its contents: WW, BB, WB. Someone rehung the signs so that now each sign indicating the contents of the urn is incorrect. It is possible to remove a ball from any urn without looking into it. What is the minimum number of removals required to determine the composition of all three urns?

a) There are 21 coins on a table with the tails side facing upwards. In one operation, you are allowed to turn over any 20 coins. Is it possible to achieve the arrangement were all coins are facing with the heads side upwards in a few operations?

b) The same question, if there are 20 coins, but you are allowed to turn over 19.

Let \(f (x)\) be a polynomial of degree \(n\) with roots \(\alpha_1, \dots , \alpha_n\). We define the polygon \(M\) as the convex hull of the points \(\alpha_1, \dots , \alpha_n\) on the complex plane. Prove that the roots of the derivative of this polynomial lie inside the polygon \(M\).

a) Using geometric considerations, prove that the base and the side of an isosceles triangle with an angle of \(36^{\circ}\) at the vertex are incommensurable.

b) Invent a geometric proof of the irrationality of \(\sqrt{2}\).

One hundred cubs found berries in the forest: the youngest managed to grab 1 berry, the next youngest cub – 2 berries, the next – 4 berries, and so on, until the oldest who got \(2^{99}\) berries. The fox suggested that they share the berries “fairly.” She can approach two cubs and distribute their berries evenly between them, and if this leaves an extra berry, then the fox eats it. With such actions, she continues, until all the cubs have an equal number of berries. What is the largest number of berries that the fox can eat?

10 children were each given a bowl with 100 pieces of pasta. However, these children did not want to eat and instead started to play. One of the children started to place one piece of pasta into every other child’s bowl. What is the least amount of transfers needed so that everyone has a different number of pieces of pasta in their bowl?