
Found: 135

Fred always tells the truth, but George always lies. What question could you ask them so that they would give the same answer?

1. A bagel is cut into sectors. Ten cuts were made. How many pieces did this make?

2. Woodchucks are sawing a log. They made 10 cuts. How many pieces were made? How can we explain why the answers in the previous two questions are different?

In a race between 6 athletes, Andrew falls behind Boris and two athletes finish between them. Vincent finished after Declan, but before George. Declan finished before Boris but after Eric. Which order did the athletes finish the race in?

One person says: “I’m a liar.” Is he a native of the island of knights and liars?

15 points are placed inside a \(4 \times 4\) square. Prove that it is possible to cut a unit square out of the \(4 \times 4\) square that does not contain any points.

On an island, there are knights who always tell the truth, and liars who always lie. What question would you need to ask the islander to find out if he has a crocodile at home?

An investigation is being conducted into the case of a stolen mustang. There are three suspects – Bill, Joe and Sam. At the trial, Sam said that the mustang was stolen by Joe. Bill and Joe also testified, but what they said, no one remembered, and all the records were lost. In the course of the trial it became clear that only one of the defendants had stolen the Mustang, and that only he had given a truthful testimony. So who stole the mustang?

In a vase, there is a bouquet of 7 white and blue lilac branches. It is known that 1) at least one branch is white, 2) out of any two branches, at least one is blue. How many white branches and how many blue are there in the bouquet?