
Found: 17

Some open sectors – that is sectors of circles with infinite radii – completely cover a plane. Prove that the sum of the angles of these sectors is no less than \(360^\circ\).

10 magazines lie on a coffee table, completely covering it. Prove that you can remove five of them so that the remaining magazines will cover at least half of the table.

Prove that rational numbers from \([0; 1]\) can be covered by a system of intervals of total length no greater than \(1/1000\).

A straight corridor of length 100 m is covered with 20 rugs that have a total length of 1 km. The width of each rug is equal to the width of the corridor. What is the longest possible total length of corridor that is not covered by a rug?

Several pieces of carpet are laid along a corridor. Pieces cover the entire corridor from end to end without omissions and even overlap one another, so that over some parts of the floor lie several layers of carpet. Prove that you can remove a few pieces, perhaps by taking them out from under others and leaving the rest exactly in the same places they used to be, so that the corridor will still be completely covered and the total length of the pieces left will be less than twice the length corridor.

Four lamps need to be hung over a square ice-rink so that they fully illuminate it. What is the minimum height needed at which to hang the lamps if each lamp illuminates a circle of radius equal to the height at which it hangs?