
Found: 91

Can the cells of a \(5 \times 5\) board be painted in 4 colours so that the cells located at the intersection of any two rows and any two columns are painted in at least three colours?

Five teams participated in a football tournament. Each team had to play exactly one match with each of the other teams. Due to financial difficulties, the organisers cancelled some of the games. As a result, it turned out that all teams scored a different number of points and no team scored zero points. What is the smallest number of games that could be played in the tournament, if three points were awarded for a victory, one for a draw and zero for a defeat?

A cinema contains 7 rows each with 10 seats. A group of 50 children went to see the morning screening of a film, and returned for the evening screening. Prove that there will be two children who sat in the same row for both the morning and the evening screening.

In the \(4 \times 4\) square, the cells in the left half are painted black, and the rest – in white. In one go, it is allowed to repaint all cells inside any rectangle in the opposite colour. How, in three goes, can one repaint the cells to get the board to look like a chessboard?

On a chessboard, \(n\) white and \(n\) black rooks are arranged so that the rooks of different colours cannot capture one another. Find the greatest possible value of \(n\).

After a circus came back from its country-wide tour, relatives of the animal tamer asked him questions about which animals travelled with the circus.

“Where there tigers?”

“Yes, in fact, there were seven times more tigers than non-tigers.”

“What about monkeys?”

“Yes, there were seven times less monkeys than non-monkeys.”

“Where there any lions?”

What is the answer he gave to this last question?

Several football teams are taking part in a football tournament, where each team plays every other team exactly once. Prove that at any point in the tournament there will be two teams who have played exactly the same number of matches up to that point.

A \(3\times 3\) square is filled with the numbers \(-1, 0, +1\). Prove that two of the 8 sums in all directions – each row, column, and diagonal – will be equal.