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The edges of a cube are assigned with integer values. For each vertex we look at the numbers corresponding to the three edges coming from this vertex and add them up. In case we get 8 equal results we call such cube “cute”. Are there any “cute” cubes with the following numbers corresponding to the edges:

(a) \(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12\);

(b) \(-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6\)?

There are 36 checkers on a \(6\times6\) board (one checker per one cell). They are numbered from 1 to 36. You need to rearrange the checkers so that the ones with numbers which differ by 1 are neighbours (their cells share an edge) and additionally all square numbers have to correspond to the checkers of one (a) horizontal line; (b) of the diagonals. Is it possible or not?

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The King and Knave of Hearts were playing a game of croquet. The Knave of Hearts went first and made a sensational hit that created a closed trajectory of 9 line segments. It is now the King’s turn and he is worried that he cannot possibly match the same sensational hit of the Knave’s move. Can he be lucky enough to cross all the 9 segments (of the hit created by the Knave) with one straight hit not passing through the vertices?

Michael decided to buy new equipment for his daily exercises. There is a wide choice of barbells in the sports shop. All of them weigh an integer amount of kilograms. He recently got his job so he is a bit stingy and wants to buy as few barbells as possible. Michael has only one condition about the weights: he wants to be able to lift any integer amount of kilograms from 1 kg to 15 kg. What is the smallest amount of barbells he needs to buy and how many kilograms do they have to weigh?

(a) Well, Michael was just a beginner that time. Don’t judge him much. He has made a considerable progress over the last month. Now he is planning to do any integer amount of kilograms from 1 kg to 31 kg. What is the smallest number of barbells one needs to have in order to do such weights?

(b) Michael is doing just fine with weights up to 31 kg. Assume he is getting promotion soon, so he can afford a new set of weights. Can you already suggest which set will be the smallest if he decides to do all integer weights from 1 kg to 63 kg?

(c) From 1 kg to 64 kg?

(d) From 1 kg to 129 kg?

You have a two pan set of scales. You have a black box which weighs a random integer amount of kilograms.

(a) The weight of this box varies from 1 kg to 40 kg. Find a set of 4 integer weights which can be used to determine the weight of the box. You are allowed to put weights on both pans (even next to the black box).

(b) A red box can weight any integer amount of kilograms up to 100 kg. Is there a set of 5 integer weights adding up to 100 kg which allows us to determine the weight of the red box?

(a) A traveller decided to stay in the motel. He has no money but he has a golden chain consisting of 7 links (the chain is not closed). The host agreed on one golden link to be the payment for one day of staying. The traveller wants to stay for the next 7 days. What is the smallest number of links he has to disunite to be able to make the payment every day? (Take into account that the host can give the change “in links” if he already got some from the traveller.)

(b) Assume we have a chain consisting of 23 golden links and now the traveller has to spend 23 days in the motel. Is it enough to disunite 2 links to be able to make the daily payments? As before the host can give the change with the links he gets from the traveller.

(c) Consider 24 links and 24 days now. Can we manage to make daily payments after we disunite some 2 links?

Comment: In all questions above after we disunite the chain at some link in general we obtain three parts: the link itself, the left part of the chain and the right of the chain. Note that there might be no left or no right part.)

One gambler had a pair of dice. Rolling them was something that kept him concentrated. As a result of frequent usage all the numbers were wiped off from both of the dice. In January the gambler went through a rough patch and decided to take a break from gambling. He understood he could not rely only on his luck which has recently failed him. Therefore, our gambler started doing mathematical puzzles to master his mind. The first puzzle is to paint digits on each side of both dice (one digit per one side) in such a way that any natural number between 1 and 31 inclusive can be obtained by putting one dice next to the other. We do not allow the digit “6” to be used as the digit “9” and vice versa. Is there any solution to this problem?

(a) The second puzzle for our gambler is a bit similar to the first:

“To paint digits on each side of both dice (one digit per one side) in such a way that any combination from 01 and 31 can be obtained by putting one dice next to the other.”

The digit “6” cannot be used as the digit “9” and vice versa. Is there any solution?

(b) What is the answer to (a) if we allow rotations (i.e. we allow the usage of “6” instead of “9” and vice versa)?

(a) After building the garden the successful businesswoman had another idea in mind. She is keen to re-build the terrace in front of her country house. Now the goal is to plant nine sakura trees in such a way that one can count eight rows of trees each consisting of three trees (obviously, a tree can be counted in several rows). How the landscape gardener can satisfy this requirement?

(b) The neighbour of the businesswoman learned about her plans from the talk with the same landscape gardener and decided to outdo her with a similar but more complicated request. He is planning to plant nine sakura trees so that there can be found ten rows of three trees each. Is there a configuration of nine trees satisfying this condition?