
Found: 62

A road of length 1 km is lit with streetlights. Each streetlight illuminates a stretch of road of length 1 m. What is the maximum number of streetlights that there could be along the road, if it is known that when any single streetlight is extinguished the street will no longer be fully illuminated?

Some open sectors – that is sectors of circles with infinite radii – completely cover a plane. Prove that the sum of the angles of these sectors is no less than \(360^\circ\).

Prove that the equation \[a_1 \sin x + b_1 \cos x + a_2 \sin 2x + b_2 \cos 2x + \dots + a_n \sin nx + b_n \cos nx = 0\] has at least one root for any values of \(a_1 , b_1, a_2, b_2, \dots, a_n, b_n\).

Two players play the following game. They take turns. One names two numbers that are at the ends of a line segment. The next then names two other numbers, which are at the ends of a segment nested in the previous one. The game goes on indefinitely. The first aims to have at least one rational number within the intersection of all of these segments, and the second aims to prevent such occurring. Who wins in this game?

The positive irrational numbers \(a\) and \(b\) are such that \(1/a + 1/b = 1\). Prove that among the numbers \(\lfloor ma\rfloor , \lfloor nb\rfloor\) each natural number occurs exactly once.

A straight corridor of length 100 m is covered with 20 rugs that have a total length of 1 km. The width of each rug is equal to the width of the corridor. What is the longest possible total length of corridor that is not covered by a rug?

A rectangular billiard with sides 1 and \(\sqrt {2}\) is given. From its angle at an angle of \(45 ^\circ\) to the side a ball is released. Will it ever get into one of the pockets? (The pockets are in the corners of the billiard table).

There are 25 points on a plane, and among any three of them there can be found two points with a distance between them of less than 1. Prove that there is a circle of radius 1 containing at least 13 of these points.